Why We’re Raising Our Ticket Prices (And Why You’ll Still Love Us!)

Hey Broadway Sessions family!

Can you believe we’ve been rocking the stage for almost nine years? Time flies when you’re having fun! Over the years, we’ve only upped our ticket prices twice, with the last bump back in March 2018. Even during the crazy times of the Covid pandemic, we kept our prices steady.

But here’s the thing—costs have been creeping up everywhere, from our awesome venue to all the little bits and pieces that make each session magical. So, it’s time for a change. Starting from this month, in-person tickets will be $25.

And for our awesome streaming fam, we’ve got news too. Remember the different pricing tiers we had, ranging from $18 to $60? We’re simplifying it all to a flat $20, no matter how many of your crew are watching (in the same location).

We know price changes aren’t always fun, but we promise it’s all to keep bringing you the Broadway Sessions you love. Thanks for sticking with us, and we can’t wait to see you at the next session—whether in-person or online!

2023 Sessions are now on sale!

Happy New Year!

We’ve been busy here at Broadway Session HQ preparing our Session themes and you can now buy tickets to ALL of our Sessions for the year!

A limited number of tickets for each Session are available to purchase for those die hard fans, with the remainder of tickets going on sale nine days before each Session.

You check out our special theme nights here. We have tribute nights to musicals from the Golden age as well as the late Stephen Sondheim. We also have Sessions of songs from characters who face their untimely demise during a musical, and another for non-human characters!

We can’t wait for you to share this year with us! Please explore our What’s On page, purchase tickets, and don’t hesitate to reach out to us at via email if we can help you with anything (we love hearing from our community).

July Session Cancelled

Unfortunately due to a number of circumstances outside of our control, we have made the difficult decision to cancel Broadway Sessions this month.

If you have purchased a ticket, please check your email for refund details.

We hope to see you all next month when we celebrate our 7th Birthday!

We’re back!

Did you miss us? We certainly missed you and can’t wait to see you all again. And it’s not long now! After five months off we are back, and we couldn’t be more excited.
You can find out more about our upcoming Session here!

On hiatus

In light of the current COVID situation, the Broadway Sessions team has decided to temporarily extend our hiatus in the name of health and safety for performers, audience and team alike, and to avoid last-minute cancellations and changes. We will be taking an extended break until the start of March 2022, and will properly reassess the situation at that time to decide if our March Session can go ahead as planned.

Once we are back we will continue live-streaming Sessions, so those who don’t feel comfortable joining us in person can still do so.

We hope that you are staying safe and healthy in this trying time, and look forward to celebrating musical theatre with you again, once 2022 settles itself down.

An Important Aspect of the Curation Promise

To say that the world is an evolving place, particularly at the moment, would be a huge understatement. Things like the Black Lives Matter movement and the Rob Guest Endowment issue regarding representation of the BIPOC community (Black, Indigenous and People Of Colour) are well and truly on our minds.

Over the last few months the Broadway Sessions team have been ever more conscious of song registrations that have challenged us to think about how we tell stories from lived experiences that we could never have. As part of our commitment to the Music Theatre community in Adelaide and our continued improvement, we spent some time exploring this as a team.

We saw a powerful quote on social media:
“All it means when people say you’re speaking from a place of privilege is that you’re likely to underestimate how bad the problem is by default because you are never personally exposed to that problem. It’s not a moral judgement of how difficult your life is”.

The joy of well written theatre (and art of all types) is that it can expose you to diverse stories and lived experiences with additional context and richness that dryer information sources cannot hope to replicate.

Here at Broadway Sessions, we do not believe that it is our role to censor material. In fact, we believe that it is our role to highlight issues that are important to society now, and recognise that Theatre is, and always has been, a powerful tool for challenging our pre-conceptions and world view and highlighting societal challenges. Of course, it can also sometimes just be a wonderful escape!

We are aware that there are many songs in the Music Theatre repertoire, particularly the Broadway and West End cultural melting pots, that we can never fully reflect in our current pool of performers in Adelaide. However, we do not believe that this should stop us from exploring the issues and perspectives faced by characters who have experienced and lived different lives to us. Additionally, we also recognise that there are many songs and ideas that have not stood the test of time and the development of our imperfect world well.

We carefully curate each Session and in order to address this we feel that it is our responsibility to put these stories told through music in context, not to just bury them and pretend they don’t exist. We will work with artists to understand why they want to tell particular stories, and what those stories mean to them. We will also ensure that our Hosts share this and other contextual information with you to enable us all to experience the worlds that Music Theatre has explored throughout the years.

If you have any questions about this, please feel free to chat with any member of the Broadway Sessions team or send us a message here.

We’re Baaaaack!

After coming to you online for the last 3 months, we are very excited to be back at Norwood Live THIS MONTH!!

As there are limited seats available due to COVID restrictions, you will be able to join us in person, OR stream it from the comfort of your home!

Doors are open at 5:45pm. Food and beverages are available from the bar.

Tickets will be available for purchase from Friday 17 July. Unfortunately you are unable to book a whole table – however the Broadway Sessions team will be allocating seats so you can sit with your family and friends. Tickets bought under the same name will automatically be seated together. If you have any other seating requests, please email them to mailto:[email protected] by 5pm on Friday 24 July. We may not be able to accomodate any requests after this time.

In the wake of this fantastic news, don’t forget there’s only 5 days left to register! We’re sure you’ll be jumping at the chance to have a live audience again.

We want to hear from you…

WOW! The whole Broadway Sessions team would like to say a HUGE heartfelt thankyou to everyone who tuned in and supported us on Sunday night. While we know it was a shaky start, you were all positive and patient and the show went on! We were so happy with the outcome, and we just cannot thank our team, the Mosaic crew, the performers, our audience or our community enough.

We are always striving to deliver the best possible experience however, and we would love to hear your feedback on how you felt about our first ever LiveStream event.

Therefore we would be so grateful if you would follow this link to our feedback form to let us know your thoughts.


We promise it’s short! And we really value your input


Live Streaming Tips

It’s the Dawn of a New Era… at least for now!

Welcome to Broadway Sessions LIVE… in this, our first attempt at livestreaming our event, we wanted to give you a few helpful pointers that may make life easier (and your viewing experience more enjoyable). Take a look down our list of potential questions you might have, and if there’s something we haven’t covered off, just get in touch with the team!

How can I watch the livestream?

Firstly, you must be online and logged in to the Broadway Sessions website. You can use whatever device you want, but only one device (per account) can be logged in at a time. Any modern, internet-connected device with a web browser is likely to work! Once logged in, just navigate to the current session page where the livestream will be listed. You can get there by using either: the link in the bottom left corner of your screen (Next Session), or clicking What’s On in the menu above and selecting the top Session.

Here are some specific notes on a few viewing methods using your TV:

  • For options using a cable connection:
    • If you have a laptop with a HDMI port, plugging in a HDMI cable and connecting this to your TV is likely the easiest way to get the video and sound on the big screen!
    • Your iPhone or iPad may also support a HDMI connection. If you have a device with a lightning port, the following Apple dongle will help. If you have a fancy new iPad with a USB-C connector, then you’ll need one of these instead. If you want to be sure you have the right one, just take your device along to the store!
  • Alternatively for wireless options:
    • If you live in the Google/Android ecosystem (or use Google Chrome on your computer), you may be able to utilise a Google Chromecast to view the media. Load up the video, then push on the ‘cast’ icon in the toolbar of the video player.
    • If you’re an Apple/iOS user, you can utilise the AirPlay technology if you have an AppleTV connected to your big screen. Load up the livestream page using an iOS device (either an iPhone, or iPad) and then once you put the video into full-screen mode, an AirPlay button will be visible in the bottom left corner.
    • You can also utilise this functionality from a Mac by sharing your whole screen. Click on the AirPlay icon in the menu bar (top, right-hand corner), and select your compatible AppleTV device.
  • For users with Smart TVs:
    • You may find that you can use the TVs own web browser to navigate to the Broadway Sessions site, and login to view the stream directly on the screen. However, many TVs have very poor web browsers, so this option should probably be a last-resort (in our opinion). There is currently no native app or interface for our site that will allow you to view this directly on a TV without a web browser (or using one of the above methods).

Can I stop the livestream and start again later?

Yes… but… unfortunately, this is a live event. If you stop or pause the livestream, when you press play again, the feed will jump to the current time and you will have missed part of the performance (just like if you got up and went to the bathroom in a real venue). This requirement is part of our licensing restrictions and does not enable us to allow you to replay the performance at a later date. You will be able to leave and come back to the performance at any point – but you’ll have a big hole in your heart where those missed performances would have been.

You can also change devices, if you need, by simply logging in on a new device at any point. Keep in mind, however, that because of our limits, your original device will logout automatically if you are detected in any other location. Should you need ot watch on multiple devices (even in the same household), you will need separate login accounts with individually purchased tickets.

Can I join the livestream after it has started?

Definitely! But… keep in mind, you will have missed part of the performance, and we cannot give partial refunds for missing some of the performance. You are more than welcome to join us at any point though! Ticket sales will be available throughout the entire event in case you want to join us part-way through. All event times and dates are listed as local time in Adelaide, South Australia.

Can I get involved somehow in the livestream?

Yes! If you want to use social media, you can send us photos, text and other messages by using the hashtag #BroadwaySessionsLive. We’ll be checking Twitter, Instagram, and posts to our Broadway Sessions Facebook Page (as Facebook has killed off the hashtag functionality in normal posts). We’d love to see how you’re experiencing lockdown Broadway Sessions, so send us your pics!

Keep in mind that this is really a one-way stream, however, and not like a video meeting. We won’t be able to see or hear you unless you make some noise (virtually) on social media. It’s going to be a very different experience for our performers, especially those who are new and have never sung with us before, but we’d love you to support them in any way you can!

What quality will the livestream be presented in?

The stream, by default, will be delivered in high definition (HD), but will automatically drop down to a quality appropriate for the speed of your internet connection. The quality of the stream, therefore, is really dependent on your current internet access and is done so that you don’t experience constant buffering and reloading. We have configured the software to deliver as high quality an experience as possible, so we hope that you’ll get to see all our performers in crystal clear HD… but you know how well the NBN works…

Can I watch from anywhere in the world?

Unfortunately, no… our licensing restrictions mean that we can only make the stream available to viewers in Australia, and because of this, we’ve limited ticket sales to Australian-issued credit cards only. We would have loved to have shared this experience with you all, wherever you might be right now, but the law is the law!

What if I just can’t get it to work?

Don’t stress. Shoot us a quick email (we’ll be on guard), and we’ll try and help you out as soon as possible. The stream will be live from 10 minutes before the start of the event, and we’ll do our best to get you sorted in this time. If there is a major problem, we’ll work something out. We’ve set up a specific email for livestream issues, so contact us at livestream@broadwaysessions.com.au so we can be sure to help out.

And we’re back!

Sick of the bad news cycle?

Then have we got the cure for you!

Broadway Sessions is BACK baby!

Broadway Sessions is coming to you in April, live-streamed.

Here are some of the key points!

  • We will be streaming from the Ghost Light Bunker, not Norwood Live.
  • To watch the live stream you will still need to purchase a ticket. This is so we can cover the costs involved in putting the event on (including supporting the artists on our team). Therefore, spread the word and invite your friends and family to watch and support your local artists! Tickets will be available from Sunday 19 April.
  • Every possible step is being taken to ensure the health of all performers and team members, and to comply with SA social distancing rules. More details for how we are doing this are up on our website.

But the best and most exciting point is REGISTRATIONS ARE NOW OPEN!!

Visit our registration page and submit your two song options (from a musical or by an established music theatre writer) to be part of the fun. Registrations close next Thursday at 5pm.

There’s a lot we can’t control right now, but we can be flexible and find ways to still bring joy into our everyday. We hope you’re as excited as we are to try out this new and exciting format for Broadway Sessions.

Please consider sharing and supporting our posts as much as you can, and #supportlocalartists